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Bloodseeker's Revelation

  • Level: 10
  • Casting Time: 1 action or bonus action
  • Range: Sight
  • Components: V, S (the caster's own blood, drawn as part of the casting)
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • School: Necromancy
  • Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard

Spell Description: Bloodseeker's Revelation has its origins in the practices of an ancient and powerful entity, revered for its dominion over blood and fire. This entity could wield the spell through the sheer force of its will, expending no magic but a significant portion of its life force. In its current form, accessible to mortals, the spell requires the sacrifice of the caster's blood and the expenditure of a 10th-level spell slot, a testament to its diminished but still formidable power.


  1. Health Cost: Modern casters suffer 50 HP damage to invoke the spell, whereas the original would have expended 100 HP without using a spell slot.
  2. Damage Output: Deals 30d10 piercing (or slashing or bludgeoning) plus 30d10 fire damage. The caster can choose the type of physical damage at the time of casting.
  3. Knowledge Gain: On a hit, the caster learns the target’s current HP, AC, movement speeds, senses, resistances, immunities, ability scores, and saving throw modifiers.
  4. Non-Spell Nature (Historical): In its ancient usage, this attack didn't count as casting a spell, allowing the entity to perform other magical acts in conjunction. The modern adaptation does require a spell slot, reflecting its adapted form for contemporary practitioners.

Upcasting: When cast using a spell slot of 11th level or higher, the spell's physical and fire damage and the health cost to the caster is doubled for each level above 10th.

Note: Bloodseeker's Revelation bridges the gap between the arcane might of the past and the present, allowing casters to channel a fraction of the entity's overwhelming power at the cost of their own vitality and a spell slot. This spell embodies a dual legacy of destruction and enlightenment, offering a glimpse into the capabilities of a being whose mastery of blood and fire was unmatched.

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rules/feats_and_spells/new_spells/bloodseeker.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/28 12:29 by traff